Kid Kare Montessori

Montessori is a teaching method devised by Dr. Maria Montessori. It is a method of observing and following the interests of children. We have three Montessori rooms fully equipped, Montessori Sun, Montessori Moon and Montessori Star, where we do vertical grouping having mixed ages of children in each room.

Kid Kare Montessori Room

Kid Kare Montessori Star

Children enjoy respected choice and uninterrupted concentration. Lessons are given by the Montessori teacher, one to one with the child. These are suited to the individual child’s need and capabilities at that time. Thereafter they are allowed to focus on work/play of their own choice, with materials to which they have been introduced by the Montessori teacher.

Dr. Montessori observed that children have an innate desire to explore and learn about their world. The curriculum and teaching method she developed were designed to appeal to and nurture the child’s basic desire to learn. Children develop academic skills best by starting with manipulative materials and, through their use, progressing to the abstract.

Kid Kare Montessori Room

Kid Kare Montessori Moon

The Kid Kare Montessori session runs from 9:00am to 12:30pm Monday to Friday. In the Kid Kare Montessori classroom, children are allowed the freedom to choose their own work. Each session is carefully planned and organised so that the children work at their own pace and learn in an indirect manner through Montessori materials in a prepared environment. An introduction of the Irish language will also be included indirectly throughout the Montessori session.

We also include arts & crafts, baking, gardening and outdoor activities in our daily and weekly curriculum. The benefits of a child attending Montessori include increased self-confidence and independence, respect for others and their wider world, good academic skills and a love of learning.

The key principles of our Pre School programme inspire children to grasp a sound understanding of the early years foundation stage, which are the building blocks of life long learning.

Kid Kare Pre School Room

Kid Kare Montessori Sun

The children have short work periods, which include Jigsaws, sorting, paring, introduction to colours and numbers and general hand/eye exercises. The children have small informal group chats to encourage speech and listening techniques. Songs, stories and action rhymes provide great fun. The Irish language is introduced at this stage through simple games and rhymes. we have a Spanish class once a week for 15 – 20 minutes.

For the evening session our play based learning setting the children are provided with long periods of uninterrupted play time. They have the opportunity to follow their own interests. They are encouraged to initiate activities and be self-directed with the support of their teachers. They learn to take ownership of their work. They become independent children with initiative and the confidence to take risks, knowing that there is no right or wrong way. Open ended play based learning focuses on the process not the product. It is the learning that is taking place that is the all-important factor.

The learning environment provides children with a rich source of equipment and materials which foster learning and development in the areas of language, numeracy, creativity, problem solving, social and emotional development, communication and self expression, dress up, imaginative and small world play.

Kid Kare Pre School Room

Kid Kare Montessori Sun




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Kid Kare Montessori where children play and learn

Excellent preparation for school years ahead

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