Kid Kare After School

Kid Kare After school session runs each afternoon from 2pm – 6pm daily during the school term: September to June catering for children ranging in ages from 5 yrs – 12 yrs. (Also available while on school holidays or in-service training days). Kid Kare has a bus service available which will collect your child at their school and bring them to the facility where one of our staff will greet your child upon arrival.

Kid Kare After School Room

Our After School Room

A nutritious snack is provided when they come in from school. Children can relax and unwind after their day. Kid Kare provides a warm friendly secure environment where homework is supervised and then structured games or other activities are organised. As well as mixing with fellow friends and class mates a whole range of activities – outdoor, Cookery, Arts & Crafts, Music, Dance, Computers and science are available.

The children are asked to suggest activities they would enjoy and would like provided. As the after school takes place in the Montessori room this ethos is maintained during the session where their needs and interests are met where possible. School holiday camps are provided during the holidays.

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Kid Kare After School Club

Where children can do homework, relax and take part in various activities

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